A lead magnet that sells:  how to properly issue a checklist, a guide, or a mini-book. 

A lead magnet is a gift that you give to a potential client in exchange for his contact details. A checklist, a step-by-step guide, or a mini-book is a great option for a lead magnet. To create it, you do not need expensive equipment, mastering complex skills, a special room, and video shooting at the full parade. You can create those in a couple of days, sitting at home with a bun on your head.

1. Clear and succinct title

The title is the first thing that the client reacts to and decides whether he needs it or not. Therefore, the title should be noticeable, informative, and easy to understand. The tandem of the main title and the subtitle clarifying it is a technique that is used in many bestsellers. There are two reasons for this: 

-Two sentences contain more information than one.

-Our brain understands two short sentences much faster than one long one.

2. Cover Image

A properly selected picture can replace a thousand words.

For the design of the cover, you can use your own photos or the ones taken from legal photo stocks. I strongly would not suggest using images from Google or Pinterest as you can inadvertently violate someone's copyright, and get into trouble. 

3. Introduction

Whether you are creating a checklist, a step-by-step guide, or a mini-book, this format implies brevity. This is exactly what the introduction should be before the main content: concise, succinct, and interesting. The introduction should motivate the reader to continue reading - this is his main criterion.

What would be appropriate here?

You can briefly introduce yourself, tell in a nutshell what you are doing, why you decided to create this document, how to use it better, what awaits your reader on the following pages. Another good option is to start with a fascinating story on the topic.

4. List of steps or points

So we got to the main part - the content. Here everything should be brief, concise and to the point.nAs for the design, a clear structure is also important here. Leave enough space between the blocks, so that your eyes could easily slide from one point to another.  In design, this is called the "attention track”.

5. Main part

If you want your lead magnet to work in your name and bring customers, information about you should always be visible. Place your main data on the cover and at the end of each page. If you are promoting some specific goods or services, tell your customers about them. 

More detailed contacts can and should be placed in the final section with a proposal for further cooperation.

6. Invitation to cooperation

The ability to embed unobtrusive sales is another reason why I love checklists and similar materials. If a person is interested in further cooperation with you, he will read the selling block.

What does it have to be here? 

- Your photo and/or picture related to your product.

- All the contacts that you are ready to provide: website, social networks,  

  messengers, phone, mail. If you are distributing material in PDF format, an additional convenience here is that all links can be made active.

- Offer of your paid service or product.

- A clear and simple instruction on what a person needs to do if he is ready to take advantage of your offer.

7. Correct filename

Have you ever found files with strange names on your computer? Or unsuccessfully search for the desired file, which was saved under an unknown name?

When you convert a lead magnet to PDF format, it is important to name this file correctly so that people who download it to their computer can easily find it. Or, having accidentally discovered your document, remember what it is about and from whom.